True to yourself
I did my FOET (Further Offshore Emergency Training) refresher training today. Here you learn fire fighting, first aid and how to get to safety in the event of an emergency.
Two of these emergencies are, finding your way out of a dark smoke and fire filled building, and how to get out of a helicopter in case of an emergency water landing or crash.
Some people call it crazy, call me crazy for doing what I do.
I think that most activities, respectfully exercised are often pretty safe and not so crazy after all. The reason for that is the training, repetitive proceedures and activities you go through to be able to experience it in the first place. Skydiving is one of these activities.
However nothing really fully prepares you for an emergency or prevents you from having an accident.
Many factors play a role in every moment of your life. How you feel, how you act and how you react. What you fueled your body and mind with? Food, drinks, your surrounding or the weather and complacency! I have experienced this first hand but that is a story I will share another time.
I worked in the skydiving industry for five years and still sometimes work in the oil and gas industry, swinging of ropes, at scary heights. Now, for some of my colleagues that might not have been scary or height at all.
I am a true believer, we are an adaptable species and we can get used to most things, everything in life was once unusual. Walking, going to the toilet, eating with cutlery. And looking at that, we are privileged to have these tools full stop.
Fear is a neutural feeling, not positive, not negative. It is part of you, just like joy, anger and sadness. When you acknowledge and except that, fear can give you creativity. You find a way of doing things in a different, fun and hopefully safer way. 👍 I personally like taking every opportunity in life and pushing my boundaries. Even being an artist is sometimes scary. Like fearing rejection or the fear of not having enough time. Just being you, without comparing can be scary. The challenge with that is to stay true to yourself, to listen to your intuition and to acknowledge what is going on within you. Like with everything, the more times you practice it, the more it becomes natural.
Being brave, does not mean that I have to do what society does or what people around me think is brave. Being brave is to go out with your girlfriend for a pizza night, and deciding you want to eat a salad instead because you feel better not having carbs. Its so easy to tell somebody to be brave, especially kids. But think forward to when they are in their teenage years, and feel uneasy getting into the car with a mate they just met who may have had a couple of beers. Would you tell them to be brave.....?
Intuition is something we are born with but get untold or unlearn it very quickly.
Encourage diversity! Not just in hair colour.
Get to know somebody fully, before judging them.
Put yourself in another persons shoes.
It is hard at first, especially when somebody talks to you in a not very nice manner. You never know what this person has experienced during the day or their life’s.
It most likely has nothing to do with you.
When you push somebody's ‘buttons’, it is them, who installed that button in the first place.
It is the same within you!
In summary, stay true to yourself. Acknowledge all that you feel, own it and listen to yourself before you follow the heard. And Yes, go out of your comfort zone, in whatever way makes you feel alive or brings you a new level of happiness. Only you know, what that is and only you can make you do or feel something. 😉
You are awesome, unique and you are here for a purpose. There is no-one else like you! Yeeeehhaaaaa.
The smile shows pure adrenaline ☺️ not the joy of comfort
We are safe! Otherwise the smile would be a different expression.